Major Hayden

Special guest

Transforming constraints into opportunities defines my work experience. I approach every role and project with the same questions: What do we need to accomplish? What stands in our way? Who benefits and how?

Complicated business challenges energize me because I enjoy finding ways to solve those challenges with changes in people, processes, and technology. Sure, technology sits at the core of who I am, but I know that people and processes must be willing participants in any solution. Technology cannot carry the burden totally on its own.

My career consists of thrilling highs and frustrating lows, but along the way, I learned what makes a career in technology special. Writing the highest quality code, running the most stringent tests, and building the strongest operation lead to good results, but the best results come from a focus on everything around the technology itself. People, and the processes that govern their interactions, make the difference.

Major Hayden has been a guest on 1 episode.